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In this Greek God Mythology RP, we use a slightly bit different style for the RP-fights.
We made sure that in this way, there is also a bit of typing-skills required and it will be harder to hit.
This is because, with the current RP-Fighting-Style it is impossible to miss your enemy. It is based on how well they can RP if they let the attack hit or not.
In this new form of RP-Fighting this is not working. Also Godlike has been disabled by this form.

( I took this Battle rules from my other Kingdom (Ascidon) )

What are the pro's and con's of this RP?

+ It's a more intens fight

+ It requires some typing skill

+ Godlike has been deactivated

+ Easier to dodge

+ No doubt if anyone has hit or not, just read the chat.


- Less detailed

- Harder to hit




I will now give you some examples how the RP-Fighting works and doesn't work.
But first, you'll need some of the basic rules.


1) You need at least 2 sentences, which are sent in 2x, to hit your enemy.
-Stretches his hands and loads his energy to fire a strong beam of light at his enemies head- *Enter*

-The beam hits his head and beheaded him- *Enter*

In this way, if you can type quite fast, you have an advantage. This advantage will make you a stronger fighter.
*Just 1 Action can be done during the sentence and only 1 part of the body can be hit.

2) Your second sentence wil be your "hit" sentence. Your sentence has to be relevant to your "attack" sentence.
This way, you cannot Copy-Paste a hit sentence for each attack you make.
I'll give 3 Examples:

Example 1 (Wrong)
-Draws his sword and runs towards his enemy. Swings his sword and cuts his stomach-
-His slash hits and beheads him-
*"Beheads him" is irrelevent to "cut to the stomach"*


Example 2 (Wrong)
-Draws his sword and runs towards his enemy. Swings his sword and cuts his stomach-
-The attack hits and damages his body-

*This is not relevant to the attack, because it's a common action for any attack.*

Example 3 (Right)
-Draws his sword and runs towards his enemy. Swings his sword and cuts his stomach-
-His swords cuts open his stomach and his guts fall out-

*This is relevant to eachother, so it can be used as an attack*


3) Blocking an attack needs to be done, relevant to the attack of the enemy, before they can do their hit-sentence.

Attacker: -Draws his sword and runs towards his enemy. Swings his sword and cuts his stomach-

Defender: -Blocks the swing of his sword-



4) Be fair to what happend to you, and react to what happend to you.

If your right arm got cut off, you need to change your weapon-hand, so you need to do that first before continueing melee attacks.
If your left arm also gets cut off, you have no way to attack with melee anymore.
When you get hit you need to wait 1 Sentence or fill that sentence with words, OR, you need to block the next attack the enemy makes towards you.

I think most of the rules are clear now, if I forgot some I'll update them, because we don't want to have a bug that exceeds the rules which makes one still a God
This means a fight could look like this:

1) Are you sure you'll want me to fight?
2) Yes, and I will kill you -Grabs his sword and holds it in an attack position-
1) Ofcourse you will -Laughs while also reaching for his sword-
2) -As *enemy* reaches his sword he dashes forward to slice up his throat-

1) -Grabs his sword and Blocks his swing- * (He blockes it)

2) -His slash cuts open his throat-

1) - Counters his attack by stabbing him in the arm- 

1) -His stab pierces his arm and cuts it off- * (His attack hits because the block is too late)

2) -Blocks his stab-

1) -Pushes him off his sword and jumps backwards, landing 50ft away from him-

2) Aargh! You sliced my arm off! You'll pay for this!
1) Sure I will.
2) -Places his hand in front of him and gathers energy to fire a piercing beam trough his guts-

2) -The beam goes trough his guts, leaving a hole- * (He hits, because there is no block or dodge)

1) -Dodges his beam and throws a fire knife at him-

2) -Dashes towards him to cut off his left arm with a single swing of his sword-

1) -Blocks his swing and counters him-

1) -Slashing off his other arm with his sword

1) -His arm and his sword fall to the ground- * (3 Lines! :D Definately a hit)

2) -Dodges his swing and jumps away-

1) Your arms are cut off, you have nothing left to attack me.

2) You son of a B*tch! My arms! And I do... My last resort..

2) -Opens his mouth, gathering energy-

1) Whut! No no no no! -Charges at him, swinging his sword trying to cut his head off-

2) -Dodges his swing and kicks him away- * (He dodged in time and even countered)

1) -His sword slices trough his flesh and beheads him-

2) -Gathered enough energy and fires a beam of pure energy at his enemy-

2) -The Beam hits and he blasts his enemy into Oblivion- * (He hits, because there is no block or dodge)

1) -Runs away from the beam-

2) -Sees him vanishing into nothing

1) -As he gets hit he screams and vanishes * ( He know he lost, so he might use this "vanishes" as a way to escape)

2) -Breathes heavily- It's over... -Looking at his arms- But I lost 2 arms. Goddamned.

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