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The duelring is a 1 v 1 Game-animated combat. Players take turns and try to take down eachothers HP step by step. In this tutorial I will demonstrate the basics with some pictures so you know what you have to do.

Step 1: When you enter the ring, this display will show up in the left corner of your window.
Click "Join" to start creating your warrior

-Step 2: On the next page you'll see 5 attributes and 50 points to use. With a Maximum of 30 points in 1 attribute. Each attributes provides extras: You start with a 300HP and 300MP. as you can see.

10 Points in Vitality adds +100HP and +100MP
-Vitality adds +10HP and +10MP
-Wisdom adds Magic Damage and +5MP
-Agility adds movement range (this is needed in battle to move towards your enemy)
-Dexterity adds Block rate to all attacks and "Bow shot*" damage 

-Strength adds Melee Damage

*Bow shot is a skill


Next is the Skilltree.
-First pick your armor (One of the 3 tops) ~Heavy Armor provides damage reduction to Melee attacks.

~Light Armor provides damage reduction to Bow shot attacks.

~Spirit Armor provides damage reduction to Magic attacks.

-Then pick your skills, You can pick 5 of them. They cost mana most of the time, but if you place your mousebutton on the skill you can see all the details (damage, costs etc)

After you picked 5 you will be ready to fight.

Now the battle begins.. You can move in the green area and after that you can either choose to not attack (saves you mana) or when you are in range, you can select an attack.

During the battle it's all about distance. You can move about "50" each round if you want to. Some skills have a huge range, Like FireBall. So you can fire this early. Even before your enemy is close to you. Watch the distance to make your attack.
Some skill will lower your movementrange, some will increase, some will stun you. It's all about tactics here. Try to bring down your enemy's HP!

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